Business Consulting

Snow Consulting & Tax PLLC offers the following consulting services :

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New Business Setup Services includes business entity selection, state and federal business registration and identification status, financial statement setup, and the development of professional relationships needed to assist the owner in their success. For example, banking relations, accounting firm, attorney, and insurance agent.

Financial and Departmental Record setup or improvement. These services would include the selection, implementation and training on an accounting software package. Development of internal controls, record retention system, and organization of the owner's financial and supporting departments.
*Education and training - teaching the small business owner how the financial's are developed and what they communicate.

*Software research, selection and implementation - research and implementation of software to improve or enhance the overall business operations.

*Business loan assistance - research, recommend, and prepare the necessary loan documents for presentation to a bank which is compatible to the small business borrowing need of the client.